2011년 8월 29일 월요일

Proposition for the repatriation of the prisoners in the Yoduk Camp

□ Proposition for the repatriation of the prisoners in the Yoduk Camp

○ In 1976 while working as a nurse in Germany, Shin Sook Ja married Dr. Oh Gil Nam (Ph.D. in Economics), who was studying abroad. (Children, 2 daughters)
○ Oh Gil Nam asked for help to people around him because of hardships of life, such as his wife's accident and hepatitis.
- The late Yoon Yi Sang (A composer of contemporary music in Germany) decided to enter North Korea to ensure the treatment of Shin Sook Ja and to offer a professorship to Oh Gil Nam.
- In 1985, the family of Oh Gil Nam (two daughters) entered North Korea
○ After entering North Korea, Oh Gil Nam's family got brainwashed for three months being isolated.
○ While being in the mission of entering North Korea, Oh Gil Nam escaped accompanied by a German student.
○ For the reason of Oh Gil Nam's defection, Shin Sook Ja and the two daughters got imprisoned in Yoduk Camp
○ Oh Gil Nam made several requests to the late Yoon Yi Sang for the repatriation of his family
○ The late Yoon Yi Sang sent Shin Sook Ja's letter to Oh Gil Nam twice in 1988 and in 1987 and in 1991 sent the picture and taped voice of Shin Sook Ja's daughters forcing him to re-enter North Korea and show his loyalty.
○ In 1992, Oh Gil Nam returned to Korea after surrendering in the Korean embassy in Germany
○ Oh Gil Nam sent letters of plea to the UN Civil Rights Commission, the Amnesty International, and the International Red Cross for the repatriation of his family
- The international organizations did not respond
○ In 1994, the secretary general of the Amnesty International asked for a interview with Shin Sook Ja in Pyongyang, but the North Korean authorities informed that 'She does not want it'.
○ Defectors Kang Chul Hwan and An Hyuk testified that Mrs. Shin and her two daughters are in the twelfth village in the Yoduk Camp, during the 'North Korea Human Rights Awareness Lecture' held in the 26.
○ Around the hometown of Mrs. Shin in Tong Yong, in Gyeong Nam Il Won, people started a signature campaign to rescue Mrs. Shin and her daughters.
(Of Tong Yong's total population (14 million people), 11.4% or 26,000 people signed the request)

2011년 8월 23일 화요일

DOKDO, Korean Territory - Sea Lions


Map made by United Kingdom in 1760 - Marked East Sea as "Sea of Corea"

 1750년 영국 제작- Sea of Korea 표기
Map made by United Kingdom in 1750 - Marked East Sea as "Sea of Korea"

1786년 독일 - 소동양해 표기 (Kleine Orientalische Meer)
Map made by Germany in 1786 - Marked East Sea as "Kleine Orientalische Meer," meaning "Small Eastern Sea"

1751년 프랑스- 한국해 표기(Mer de Coree)
Map made by France in 1751- Marked East Sea as "Mer de Coree," meaning "Sea of Korea"

1792년 네덜란드 - 동해 또는 한국해로 표기 (Mer Orientale/ Mer De Coree)
Map made by Netherland in 1792 - Marked East Sea as "Mer Orientale/ Mer De Coree," meaning "Eastern Sea/ Sea of Korea" 

1. 러시아 지도 - 영국
제작자 : T.보웬
제작년도 : 1780년
설명 : 동해가 한국만(COREA GULF)이라고 표기되어 있다.

Map of Russia, 1789 by T. Bowen, England, Marked East Sea as "COREA GULF"

2. 인도, 중국, 수마트라, 자바섬 지도- 프랑스
제작자 : H.A.샤틀랭
제작년도 : 1719년
설명 : Mer Oruentale ou / Mer de Coree라고 쓰여 있어, 동양해/ 한국해로 두가지 이름이 표기되어 있다.

Map of India, China, Sumatra, Java Island, 1719 by H.A.Chastellain, France. Marked East Sea as "Mer Oruentale ou/ Mer de Coree," meaning "Eastern Sea/ Sea of Korea"

3. 신아시아 지도 - 프랑스
제작자 : H.A.샤틀랭
제작년도 : 18세기 초
설명 : Mer Oruentale로 동해라고 표기되어 있음을 알 수 있다.

Map of New Asia, early 18 century by H.A. Chastellain, France. Marked East Sea as "Mer Oruentale," meaning "East Sea"

4. 한국지도 - 영국
제작자 : E.보웬
제작년도 : 1752년
설명 : 동해가 Mer de Coree, 즉 한국해라고 표기되어 있는 것을 알 수 있다.

Map of Korea, 1752 by E. Bowen, England. Marked East Sea as "Mer de Coree," meaning "Sea of Korea"

5. 환해항로신도 - 일본
제작자 : 히로세
제작년도 : 1862년
설명 : 지도를 확대해보면 조선해라고 표기되어 있음을 알 수 있다.

Hwanhae-Hangro-Sindo(Sea route map of surrounding seas), 1862 by Hirose, Japan. Marked East Sea as "Sea of Chosun(Old Korea)"  

5. 탐험지도 - 프랑스
제작자 : J.F.라 페루즈
제작년도 : 1797년
설명 : 한국 근해를 Detroit De Coree, 대한해협으로 표기하였다.

Expedition Map, 1797 by J.F. La Perouse, France. Marked East Sea as "Detroit De Coree"

1754년에 제작된 프랑스 지도에 동해라고 표기돼 있음 ('Mer de Coree (sea of Korean)')
(Issued by France (1754), specified 'Mer de Coree (sea of Korean)' for DongHe)

 1740년에 제작된 영국 지도에 동해라고 표기돼 있음 ('Gulf of Corea (gulf of Korean)')
(Issued by England (1740), specified 'Gulf of Corea (gulf of Korean)' for DongHe)

John Senex가 1711년에 제작한 아시아 지도에는 동해를  "The Eastern or Corea Sea"로 표기함.
(In Asia, 1711 by John Senex, source EAST SEA in old western maps)

Herman Moll이 1719년에 제작한 지도에서 동해를 'SEA OF COREA'로 표기함
(1719 by Herman Moll, source Historical Atlas of the North Pacific Ocean by Derek Hayes)

Robert Dudley가 1643년에 제작한 세계지도에서 동해를 "MARE DI CORAI"로 표기함
(1643 from Robert Dudley's Dell' Arcano del Mare, source Historical Atlas of the North Pacific Ocean by Derek Hayes)

아시아지도 (영국, 1827년)
영국 / J.와일드(1790~1836)
1827년 제작
소장 : 서울역사박물관
설명 : 한국은 'Corea'로 표기하고 동해를 'Gulf of corea'로 대한해협을 'Strait of Corea'로 표기하였음.

Map of Asia, 1827 by J. Wild(1790~1836), England. Marked East Sea as 'Gulf of Corea' and 'Strait of Corea'

중국지도 (프랑스, 1748년)
프랑스 / N. 벨렝(1703~1772)
1748년 제작
소장 : 서울역사박물관
설명 : 동해는 한국해 Mer de Corée로 표기하였음

Map fo China, 1748 by N. Belem(1703~1772), France. Marked East Sea as "Mer de Coree," meaning Sea of Korea

아시아지도 (영국, 18세기)
영국 / J.세닉스(?~1740)
18세기 제작
소장 : 서울역사박물관
설명 : 한국의 국명은 K(ingdom) of Corea로, 동해는 The Eastern Sea 또는 Corea Sea로 표기되어 있음

Map of Asia, 18 century by J. Senix, England. Marked East Sea as "The Easter Sea/ Corea Sea" 

18세기 영국 - Sea of Corea 표기
18 century. Marked East Sea as "Sea of Corea"

빈랜드(북미 동부, 캐나다의 Newfoundland 섬과 미국 Virginia 주 사이의 한 지역)의 15세기에 만들어진 13세기 지도에서 동해를 "East Sea" ("mare Occeanum Orientale")로 표기하고 있다.
Vinland Map, a 15th-century redrawing of a 13th-century original, is the first western map to refer to the sea as the "East Sea" ("mare Occeanum Orientale").

18세기 초반 독일 지도에서 동해를 "Minor Eastern Sea"로 표기하고 있다.
"Minor Eastern Sea" in a early 18th-century German map

17세기 초반 포르투갈 지도에서 동해를 "Sea of Korea ("Mar Coria")로 표기하고 있다
An early 17th-century Portuguese map; the first instance of "Sea of Korea ("Mar Coria") appearing on a map.

19세기 일본 지도에서 동해를 "Sea of Joseon" 로 표기하고 있다.
"Sea of Joseon" in a late 19th-century Japanese map.

18세기 중반 프랑스 지도에서 동해를 "Sea of Korea"로 표기하고 있다
"Sea of Korea" in a mid 18th-century French map.

17세기 영국 지도에서 동해를 SEA OF COREA로 표시하고 있다.
Sea of Corea in an English map from mid 17th century



Vinland Map, a 15th-century redrawing of a 13th-century original, is the first western map to refer to the sea as the "East Sea" ("mare Occeanum Orientale").

"Minor Eastern Sea" in a early 18th-century German map

An early 17th-century Portuguese map; the first instance of "Sea of Korea ("Mar Coria") appearing on a map.

"Sea of Joseon" in a late 19th-century Japanese map.

"Sea of Korea" in a mid 18th-century French map.

Sea of Corea in an English map from mid 17th century

2011년 8월 9일 화요일

truth of dokdo


Japanese historian Hideki Kajimura, former Kanagawa University economics professor

- Claimed that Japan's Preoccupancy of Ownerless Land Theory is de facto "Act of invasion on actual Korean territory" according to the international law
Japanese government made decision to incorporate Dokdo as Japanese territoty during Russia-Japan War.
           * Japan's argument : Territory incorporated by Preoccupancy of Ownerless Land Theory ( meaning land with no people living in become owned by person who first discovers it) 

5 years prior to such incorporation of Dokdo by Japan, according to the Korean Imperial Decree No.41, Korea has elevated Ulleungdo which had been subordinate to Uljin Prefecture to Uldo County and issued that Uldo County office shall rule over all of Uldo proper and its dependencies including Dokdo. The decree was published in Central Official Gazette and officially announced Dokdo as Korean territory in regard with international law.

Seichu Naito, Japan Shimane University emeritus professor

- Claimed "Japan has assured that they have no intention of possessing Dokdo by taking the measures of ban on crossing the sea near Ulleungdo in 1696"
Japan in Edo period and Meiji period, didn't express any intention of possessing Dokdo, publicly declaring that Dokdo is irrelevant with Japan

Mark Seldon, United States Binghampton University emeritus professor in history and sociology


- Announced "According to the San Francisco Peace Treaty, Japan has nothing to do with Dokdo."
After borders were settled according to the San Francisco Peace Treaty, the international community has continuously acknowledged the binding power of the treaty with no big alteration.
             * San Francisco Peace Treaty : Contains regulations regarding settlement of territory bounds between nations after World War Ⅱ.

United States National Archives discovered a map that was used during San Francisco Peace Treaty which shows that Dokdo is excluded from Japan's territory

Jon M. Van Dyke, United States University of Hawaii professor in law

- Announced " There exists a record of Tokugawa Shogunate(Japan's feudal government) admitting Dokdo as Joseon(former Korea)'s territory in 1693."
In 1905 Japanese government argued incorporation of Dokdo as Japan's territory based on  Preoccupancy of Ownerless Land Theory under international law. This shows Japan's acknowledgement that Japan did not have ownership of Dokdo before 1905.
Korea continuously had actual dominance over Dokdo since 1954.

Germany, Sueddeutsche press

- Rather repenting colonial rule over Korea, Japan is leaving alone the claims regarding Japanese ownership of Dokdo which is carried out by minority far-right groups.
Regrading Japna's claim over possession of Dokdo, Japan needs to accept korea's actual dominance over Dokdo. The reason Japan is continuously bringing up dispute over Dokdo's ownership is because Japan's politicians are not  keeping distance from far-right groups but rather Liberal Democratic Party is sumpathizing with them. This is analyzed as since long before Japanese government has been captive of right-wing organizations.

Valery Glushkov, deputy director of Russia's Institute of the History of Sciences and Technology

- Russian Historical documents prove Dokdo as Korean territory.
As Japan surrendered World War Ⅱ, Dokdo is not owned by Japan.
Pointed out that Dokdo is not written as Japan's territory in the San Francisco Peace Treaty

Japanese Kyoto University professor Kazuo Hori

- Revealed old Japanese government document containing contents of "Ulleungdo and Dokdo is irrelevant with Japan."

Publicly revealed "Year 1877 Daijo-kan(former Japanese council of state) order" which proves that Dokdo is Korean territory.                                      
              * Daijo-kan order : Ulleungdo and Dokdo are irrelevant with Japan.

During Russia-Japan war Japan had found new militaristic value of using Dokdo and forcibly included Dokdo as Japanese territory, and current Japanese government pointed out that its a territory invasion based on Japan's militarism.